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RTO monitoring and reporting
for businesses with other priorities

If your company is like a lot of ISONE and NYISO market participants, you don't have the resources or the need to actively engage in the many stakeholder committees and working groups. But that doesn't mean that your business activities in those markets won't be impacted by the issues discussed and decisions made in those meetings.  Changing market rules could affect how you conduct your current business activities, new market designs and products could increase your competition or open new opportunities, emerging operations and reliability issues and the associated solutions could impose new requirements that require adjustments to your business processes. 


Keeping on top of all of these committee discussions, understanding the issues, and distinguishing which could impact your business interests is a big job, but it doesn't have to take a lot of your time or resources.  EA Consulting offers economical subscription-based RTO monitoring and reporting services that allow you to quickly grasp the key concepts discussed at the many ISONE and NYISO stakeholder discussions which occur every week.

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